On 29 February we had "The Day Of Reading in our school. It was very special for us and we paid a lot of effort to organize it. It was worth it. The local TV broadcaster visited us. Our headmaster Urszula and Marta both gave interviews in front of the camera and also children had a chance to appear on TV. A popular local newspaper Nowiny (practically everyone in our region knows this title) also came and published an announcement about our undertaking.

"The Day Of Reading" comprised the following points:
 - parents and invited guests (for example from local government) were reading aloud to the children
 - teachers presented their favourite books from childhood
 - a special questionnaire for the parents about the books they liked (it was a great opportunity for our pupils to      talk with their parents about reading and share impressions and opinions)
 - simultaneous reading of passages, with both teachers and pupils engaged, later there was a quiz checking the    understanding of the text and what the pupils had remembered from it
 - special activities for the classes like reading comprehension and activities more connected with manual work for    the younger pupils
 - preparing posters on reading and displaying them
 - coloring a few big elephants (this was based on Elmer) that had been previously drawn on sheets of paper
 - exercises connected with movement as a means of relaxing the pupils

Our gym was beautifully decorated with drapes, books, posters. We had antique armchairs and furniture, candles and paper decorations on windows that resembled stained-glass. All our children received white T-shirts with the logo of the project on the back and the logo of the school on the front.


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